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BLOG 3 - My dream job

 Since I was a child, the space and the stars were a big attraction to me, but unlike other kids I did not wanted to be an astronaut, I wanted to be an Astronomer, I wanted to observe the stars and the planets and make amazing discovering on them. My dream was to work at the ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array). I never had a telescope but I used to have a logbook where I write all the things I observe in the night. 

But as I grew up I lost interest in the space and I started gaining more interest in music, since I had a memory I always played the piano and the guitar, and when I was 14 my parents sign me up in an artistic school to potentiate my musical abilities. There I learned the piano and the drums, I even used to have a band in school and we played in various places, and finally in the composition classes in school I felt in love with music and the creative process of creating music.
After school I started a major in composition in the University of Chile and I hope to work in something related to that field, I would love to work in the field of film scoring, or as a composer in commissions to big orchestras around the world. I would love to live creating music and having people that is interested in listening to it.

So this is my dream job.


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